Publish your Data

Share your Data

The Morph platform's Python cell provides the ability to publish and extensively share the results of data analysis and visualizations created using the Morph platform in URL format. This functionality makes it easy to share research results and business reports with stakeholders inside and outside the team, enabling real-time feedback and collaboration.

Key features

  • Flexibility in publishing settings: you can adjust the publication scope of the generated content via the 'Publish' button in each Python cell.
  • Link sharing: published content is provided as a link and can be easily embedded in emails, social media or websites.


  • Research sharing: publish research data and analysis to a wide audience.
  • Reporting business insights: report business-related insights to your board or stakeholders in a visually rich format.

How to use

  1. Select cells: select the Python cells you wish to share.


  1. Publish toggle: switch on the 'Publish Access' switch on the cell toolbar.


  1. Get link: the URL of the published cell is generated, which can be copied and shared.


This feature makes the generated data visualizations and analysis results accessible to a wider audience and enables information to be shared with a wider audience.